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STARHAUS is an innovative project funded by the European Union set to redefine the way modern communities
interact with technology and each other to foster a sustainable future

At the heart of our mission is the goal to revolutionise consumption habits, guiding people towards choices that are both healthy for us and sustainable for our planet, without compromising on quality or affordability.

The power of communities is the force that drives the change into society. During this project we aim to measure the openness of citizens towards creating and using customised products in a circular economy model that is powered through an innovative human-machine interaction merged with an artistic touch.

Throughout our project, we commit to embodying the principles of the New European Bauhaus in all our activities, combining artistic and creative processes with scientific and technological skills in order to tackle difficult problems and develop novel solutions.

Aiding communities in developing and testing customized products across four distinct categories

Pet food – With over 85 million pets in Europe alone, this use case aims to address the growing need for personalised pet food products

FertilizersAs urban small-scale agriculture gains popularity, more people are interested in growing their own food but struggle with proper care

Breakfast cereals – Eco-friendly alternative to the one-size-fits-all cereal boxes that most frequently contain too much sugar and too little nutrition

BeverageOn-demand customised beverages that can be dispensed into refillable containers, reducing the need for single-use plastic bottles